Thursday, March 24, 2011

I CAN or I CAN'T - you decide!

“Men often become what they believe themselves to be. If I believe I cannot do something, it makes me incapable of doing it. But when I believe I can, then I acquire the ability to do it even if I didn't have it in the beginning.”
Mohandas Gandhi

It's been written that by the time you are seventeen, you've heard “I can't” 150,000 times compared to “I can” only 5,000 times. It's no wonder that most of us are programmed to think so negatively.

Write down 5 limiting beliefs that you have. You can start by writing “I can't.........”
Then, below this, change "I can't" to "I can."

Write it, Say it, Believe it, Feel it, Know it.... I CAN!!!!!

We are all so incredibly powerful!


The Great Lesson - the movie that transforms

Monday, March 21, 2011

The Play State

Did you know that some of the biggest achievers take play very seriously? We often think of play as just for kids. But research by Stuart Brown points out that play can make adults live happier, healthier, more creative and fulfilled lives. Think back to the last time when you were immersed in play. Whatever the activity, if you lost track of time and were fully engulfed in the moment, then you entered the play state!

Check out this amazing video of play in nature:

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Hard Goals

Do you ever wonder why many people fall short of their goals again and again?

In his amazing book called Hundred Percenters, Mark Murphy offers a fascinating explanation. He writes that our goals are too safe and conservative - even wimpy!

On the other hand, hard goals - or really REALLY BIG GOALS - are different:

"HARD goals are aspirational. They force us to push through our self-imposed limitations, to focus on something bigger than our own immediate wants, and to solve challenges of vital necessity. HARD goals are also inspirational."

Imagine that - goals so big that you get inspired and fired up just thinking about them!!

I guess you could say that a safe goal is a safe road to failure. Why, because it's not strong and compelling enough to push you through the inevitable obstacles that will come up along the way.

Michael Beckwith reminds us in The Secret that this is a feeling universe. And goals are the same way. They must be more than words on a page. Think of it this way: if your goals don't get you leaping out of bed in the morning and working late into the night, then they probably aren't big enough.

So what are your hard goals?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Low Information Diet

When You Have No Other Choice

"When you have no other choice, you stop making excuses and start doing the things you know need to be done. When you close off all alternatives, it is much easier to commit and make progress.

"Most business people I know love the fact that they are able to get so much work done while travelling on airplanes. At least on most flights, cell and e-mail access isn’t an option, so one is left with the only choices of reading the inflight magazine, reading a book, listening to music or actually getting work done. Goodbye internet, hello productivity.

"Can you go internet free one day a week? Can you go e-mail free a couple times a week? Can you resolve not to answer your work calls after 5pm or before 9am? Can you commit to eating a leafy green salad with every meal? Can you not turn on your TV after 9pm? Can you stop reading so many blogs and focus more on writing more of your own

"What can you do to recreate such situations (like the internet free flight!) in your everyday life – so that you don’t have to rely on your own willpower to achieve a positive result? For example, have organic produce delivered to your door every week so you feel compelled to eat healthy food – so it doesn’t spoil. Join a sports team that will make you feel guilty for not getting out and exercising. Do work in a location that doesn’t have internet access. Sell your TV (or loan it to a friend for a while). Disable your Facebook and Twitter accounts…etc.

"Get creative and design a lifestyle that makes it easy for you to be more disciplined and smarter about how you live you life and spend your time."

Great blog posting from Yogi Ravi

Give Ravi's low information diet a try for a day or a week and see how it works out for you.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Raw for Life

Dr. Gabriel Cousens, Michael Beckwith ("The Secret" and "Oprah") and David Wolfe are interviewed in RAW FOR LIFE. This film can empower people to take control of their health and happiness:
