Do you ever feel disconnected from your body? Think about all of the hours we spend at the office and at home, hunched over a computer. Sure, we exercise the mind, but what about the rest of us?
When we neglect the body, we pay a steep price in our physical and mental health and wellbeing.
In the upcoming movie The Great Lesson, we learn that one of the most powerful ways to connect with the body is by getting centered. Centering is an integral part of mind ~ body practices like yoga, martial arts, tai chi, dance as well as most sports. The center goes by many names: Dantian in Chinese, Hara in Japanese, and the Lower Chakra in Sanskrit. In America, we call it the gut or the belly.
So where is the center? The center is a point in the middle of the body, about two inches below the navel. It is a source of balance and stability. According to Richard Strozzi-Heckler, when you are centered, you are completely relaxed. In this way, you are making an ally with gravity instead of fighting against it.
Think about a time when you felt deeply relaxed and grounded in your body even though things around you were chaotic. Perhaps you even experienced a sense of time slowing down. This is the magic of your center - the place where mind and body come together.
But the center is a moving center. It goes wherever you direct your awareness. If you are deep in thought, the center might be in your head. If you are feeling heavy emotions, it might be in your chest.
However, when you are centered in the mid point of your body, the mind becomes quiet and still. Instead of dwelling on the past or thinking ahead to the future, you get rooted in the present. You accept who you are and where you are unconditionally without trying to change things. According to Chuang-Tzu, “Flow with whatever may happen and let your mind be free: stay centered by accepting whatever you are doing.”
Here are some simple tips for getting centered right now:
1. Take a few deep, slow breaths.
2. Align the body by sitting or standing up straight.
3. Release any tension and allow the body to relax completely from head to toe.
4. Direct your attention toward the point two inches below your navel.
Some might say that this sounds great in theory, but who has the time to do this? According to Tom Crum, any moment can be an opportunity to find your center.
For instance, when you are taking a walk, you can become more aware of your center with each step. Try pressing your index finger on the point about two inches below the navel from time to time as well. Think of yourself as pushing a button to power up your center.
Another great centering moment is when you are stuck in traffic. Instead of getting frustrated, Crum uses the seat belt as a centering belt. The click of the seat belt can be a reminder to connect with your center. If you are not in a car, use a belt buckle as your centering belt. Adjust the buckle so that it rests on your center.
Unfortunately, most of us spend most of our day OFF center. Becoming irritable and stressed are sure signs that we have lost our center.
To regain the center, choose moments throughout the day to take centering breaks. Give it a try and see what happens! If you think about it, any spare time during the day can be an amazing opportunity to recapture the magic of your center!
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