“Life is too short to be little.” - Disraeli
Have you heard the story of the circus elephant? When the baby elephants are small and weak, they get chained to an immovable stake. As they grow larger and more powerful, they continue to stand chained to the same stake even though they could easily smash right through it. So, why don’t they break free?
The fact is they’ve been conditioned with limiting beliefs. They’ve been trained to believe that they can’t break through the stake and so they never will!
As it turns out, people are no different than circus elephants. We’ve also been conditioned with limiting beliefs. Did you know that by the time you turn 17 years of age, you’ve already heard “No You Can’t” roughly 150,000 times and “Yes You Can” only 5,000 times. That’s 30 No’s for every one Yes.
The problem is that these limiting beliefs create long-term patterns of behavior. And before long, we get stuck or trapped – just like those circus elephants. We settle for the ordinary instead of striving for the extraordinary!
To break free from this narrow way of thinking, we need to expand our vision of what’s possible! As Tom Crum says, we need to dance a bigger dance.
One powerful way to do this is by setting really big goals.
According to Hard Goals author Mark Murphy, the great goal achievers - Gandhi, Kennedy, King, Mother Teresa and others like them - set really BIG, heartfelt and challenging goals. They realized the secret that all great goal setters know: if you have a big enough and compelling enough "why" behind your goal, the "how" will fall into place.
Each of these master goal setters had a story in their mind about how they were going to change the world for the better. The stakes were so high that they couldn't contemplate not achieving their goal. In a way, it was all or nothing for them!
Unfortunately, most of us don’t do this. We set small, uninspiring goals that resemble to-do lists. You could say that these safe goals are more like work than play.
Did you know that of the roughly 60% of Americans who set New Years Resolutions, less than 10% are successful. In fact, time management firm FranklinCovey found that a third don't even make it to the end of January.
If you want to break out of the box of limiting beliefs, it’s time to set big, bold inspiring goals that get you so excited that failure is just not an option!
Forget thinking small! What are your really BIG goals?
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