If you are like a majority of Americans, you set one or more New Year's Resolution. Here we are nearly 6 months later and I have one question: did you keep your resolutions?
Did you know that of the roughly 60% of Americans who set resolutions, less than 10% are successful! In fact, time management firm FranklinCovey found that a third won't even make it to the end of January. OUCH!
So why are we so bad at achieving our goals?
According to Mark Murphy, the main reason is that most of us set small goals that are NOT very inspiring. But for most of the great goal achievers - Gandhi, Kennedy, MLK, Mother Teresa - they set huge goals that got them really excited. They realized the secret that all great goal setters know: if you have a big enough and compelling enough "why" or story behind your goal, the "how" will fall into place.
Each of these great goal achievers told a story about how they were going to change the world for the better. The stakes were so high that they couldn't contemplate not achieving their goal. In a way, it was all or nothing for them!
Unfortunately, most Americans don't do this. They set wimpy goals that look more like to-do lists. You could say these safe goals are more work than play. So when the going gets tough (which it inevitably will with any worthwhile goal), these goals or New Year's Resolutions get abandoned - they get postponed to the following year. And this cycle continues year after year after year.
So if you want to be part of that less than 10 percent that actually does achieve their New Year's Resolutions, its time to set big, bold, inspiring ones that get you so excited that failure is just not an option.
As June 1 rolls around (half way into the new year), try setting some new and improved resolutions! See what's possible!
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