What do you say YES to?
Abraham-Hicks gives this wonderful talk about "The Yes Game." Here's how you play: you write down or say out loud everything that you say YES to in your life.
You see most of us just focus on the NO's and what we don't want.
The Yes Game helps you shift your thinking to a more positive, affirmative and grateful state of mind. And this happens instantly because you are saying YES to yourself! It's as though you are giving yourself permission to follow your personal legend -- your hopes and your dreams!
What a powerful tool this can be! Imagine starting your day - every day - with The Yes Game.
So give it a try and write down (or say aloud) your YES LIST. Here's mine so far:
I say yes to love!
I say yes to joy!
I say yes to gratitude!
I say yes to laughter!
I say yes to adventure!
I say yes to my young son's sparkling eyes!
I say yes to financial freedom!
I say yes to my farm house near the coast!
I say yes to my new, inspiring and empowering movie The Great Lesson!
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